Flight of the Audio Visualator - Bristol Skillswap
15th Aug 2013

It was great to be able to present at Bristol Skillswap last week. I'm new to the west and am really excited about getting involved in the community here.
I took a flight through my recent journey with United Studios Live and the 3d Audio Visualizer built in to their new website.
A whole new world of sound
The Web Audio API has given us loads of great new toys to play with inside the browser.
We can:
- Analyse sound
- Generate sound
- Manipulate sound
So I really want to excite people to give it a go.
The Stack
The AudioContext
is much like a guitar effects
board where each "effect" on the board can connect to the next
Creating waves with Oscillators
First we need a context, then our Oscillator can be created out of the context.
We then just need to connect up the wires to our end destination (speakers).
var context = new AudioContext();
var oscillator = context.createOscillator();
Using the type
property we have 4 options.
Learn more about this in Stuart Memo excellent article
oscillator.type = 0; // Sine
oscillator.type = 1; // Square
oscillator.type = 2; // Triangle
oscillator.type = 3; // Sawtooth
Ok, so you can then set the frequency of the wave.
oscillator.frequency.value = 440; // A
The Analyser
The core of our site was analysing the audio frequencies This is how we reacted to the frequenices
- Listen for average and max volume over particular frequencies
- If low frequency band is above a trigger level extra visual boost is applied
- Size of the dots corresponds to levels at each band
- State of last band saved to give history through the cube
- We also use perlin noise function to gradually cycle through colours
Getting the frequencies from the context
The analyser splits up the signal into frequency buckets
analyser = context.createAnalyser();
We can use a JavaScriptNode to process the audio after a number of frames have been sampled
javascriptNode.onaudioprocess = function(){
var frequencies
= new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
Take a look at this great article by Jos Dirksen taking you through the process of creating a spectogram step by step.
The Playground
Building the United Studios Live website was a great playground.
We started just mapping the audio spectrum to a row of dots and moving the row along a column each frame to get a sense of history and movement.
We then wanted to find something a bit of dynamic from the audio and so incorporated a bass trigger which caused that frame's dots to dramatically gain in size and also change colour.
It kinda looked like a crazy tentacle type thing. It was pretty cool but was drifting away from the brand's cube.
We finally incorporated what we had found back in to a cube and found it quite mesmerizing zooming in and out, spinning the cube around.
So we took note of the camera position and angle at different places around the cube which were especially beautiful.
Using those x,y and z coordinates gradually flew the camera between them interpolating the values of each axis over time using a cubic spline function (illustrated below).
{% include iframeWithLink.html src="https://davetayls.me/teststation/creative-js/grapher/interpolation.html" caption="Interpolating the values of each axis over time using a cubic spline function" %}
There were some beautiful discoveries
We added some finishing touches. Drag and drop an mp3 to visualize it and random flights to allow it to continually move.
What are people creating?
People are doing some great things with this. Here are a few things I have come across:
- Synths
- Drum machines
- Games
- Instruments
- Songs
and more and more
We've got so many tools to be creative in the browser!
Some great resources
So give this a go and send me some links of what you've done. Here are some links I found really useful.
- http://stuartmemo.com
- http://stuartmemo.com/making-sine-square-sawtooth-and-triangle-waves/
- http://www.smartjava.org/content/exploring-html5-web-audio-visualizing-sound
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webaudio/intro/
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/getusermedia/intro/
{% include slides.html src="https://davetayls.me/presentations/2013/flightoftheaudiovisualator/" %}