Dave Taylor, Software Engineer
Work with me
Going back a few years
A look back at all blogs grouped by year ...
2024 (3)
The Pains of Startup Scaling
On Challenges that are Harder than Others
Soniq Changelog January 2024
2023 (8)
Data manipulation and hair-loss with WASM Bindgen
It takes time to fully understand the function software will need to perform
Follow up on JSON Document to Document Transforms
Exploring an Open Spec for JSON Document to Document Transforms
Monorepo p2 - The CI build and deploy
Deploying a Monorepo to Vercel with Github Actions p1
Convert a ReadableStream to a String in JavaScript
Looking back at 2022
2022 (10)
Meeting Matthias Endler and Opening Up My Calendar
Use WASM Compiled Golang Functions in NextJs
Playing Around with simple Personalisation
Uniform Codegen Project
Migrating the blog to Uniform
Are Instrumental Lessons just a Luxury?
Researching Application GUI Options for Wasm
What Language Should I use for WASM
How to Create a Single Page App with NextJs
Instrumental Teachers are Instrumental
2021 (13)
Progressing through Environments with Uniform
Adding Uniform to Create Next App
Reduce Unused JavaScript with Dynamic CMS Components
Reduce Unused JavaScript Nextjs Bundle Analysis
Reduce Unused JavaScript to Improve Lighthouse Performance
Lighthouse Scores Review
Will JavaScript Become Everyone's Second Language
Uniform Release Canvas - One Ring to Orchestrate them ALL
Why I Like Using TypeScript
Firebase Functions in Custom Region CORS Error
Making Decisions
Joining TherapyPal
Create Global UI State with React Context
2020 (6)
Transferring Less JavaScript with Next Dynamic
3 Tech Changes You Could Make Now for Cloud Sustainability
Enviro Creds
Professional Update
A Transition For This Website
Enterprise JAMstack at JAMstack for Sitecore
2019 (2)
SMART Goals for Software Engineers
Rich Domain
2018 (7)
Serverless Framework Talk
Middleware Pipelines - Promises
Middleware Pipelines - Chain of Responsibility
Handling Error Cases
Working with Nullable Values
Exploring fp-ts Series Intro
Security and Convenience?
2017 (11)
Seccl Design Patterns and Reusable Components
Power of TypeScript for React Talk
Progressive Web Apps ⚡️ talk
Connected Components
Component Props and State Interfaces
The Power Of Typescript For React
Diving Into Functional Programming
2016 At a Glance
2016 (14)
Visit to Arrow in Denver
Models Everywhere
Reactive Programming
Pure Components. Creating stable, testable UI we can rely on
Mentoring Co-located Teams
Unlock Your Inner Superhero
Terminator Genisys Movie And Poster Creator
A thought on GigStamp Collectives, gigging groups
Image Pooling for the Win
Trust. The unsung hero
BoA Vantage Points app, the React Native / Redux Challenge
Is It Anonymous
The Power Of A Virtual Dom
Arrow Electronics The Global Component Provider
2015 (3)
Bugs Happen
Libraries Should Not Initialise State
Econsultancy Goes Live
2014 (10)
Small Changes Release Creativity
Coffee Script Nodejs Debugging
Nested Component Styling Based On Parent
Building Stats in to GigStamp
Working Towards Ui Components
National Theatre App Wins Educational Multimedia Award
Promises And Events
2013 At A Glance
GigStamp the checkin app for music fans
Building an HTML5 Bomber game - Bristech
2013 (18)
Always A Student
Nesting Handlebars helpers into templates.
Inserting a model at correct index in Marionette.CollectionView appendHtml
Measuring performance between high resolution timers
Leap Motion workshop at Southville JS Bristol
Flight of the Audio Visualator - Bristol Skillswap
Five key principles for better web development - .net Magazine
JavaScript Vector Classes for Creative Coding
How will I Keep JavaScript Code Quality High (JSHint)
3D CSS boxes and Physics with Cannon.js
Out of the Big Smoke
Visual Graphing to See Relationships
Presenting Adventures in HTML5 Games, AKQA Anoraks
HTML5 Racer - Adding a Track and Colliding with it
Drawing Sprites with Canvas
2012 at a Glance
RFU 6 Nations
Velocitr, velocity and drag helper
2012 (21)
Testing jQuery.kinetic with Grunt and qUnit
Submitting a form to a new window
Making a simple html5 racing game
Google Maps in iOS 5 content dissapearing bug
Sitecore Trendspot Responsive Web Site and App
A (RegExp) Catastrophe
Using OAuth to connect with Github using Node.js
Responsive styles respecting old IE 6/7/8
Find Me a Passionate Team
Cross Domain or Protocol iFrame Communication
Aqueduct, a place on the edge
Adam Ball Portfolio and Exploring Responsive Images
Installing Blackberry Simulators
jQuery.lazyLoader, Semantic, organic responsive images?
A time to rejoice and a time to grovel
2011 Showreel
A Few Git Resources
Validating Postcodes with a Regular Expression
Getting a better reading experience in Google Reader with larger serif fonts
Set Custom Environment Variables in Apache for PHP sites
2011 at a glance
2011 (15)
jQuery.unparam plugin
Html5 for Web Designers
Blue Beeeeeeanie Day
FA Just Play wins it's category in Sitecore site of the year
JavaScript headaches with responsive layouts
Simplify, Modularise, Simplify
Vertical Scrolling now included with the jQuery.kinetic plugin
jQuery.kinetic plugin gives you drag scrolling with mouse and touch
liScroll Update (jQuery news ticker with next/previous/play)
Daily Scrum Meetings
Agile Software Development with Scrum
Adding rich snippets to Sitecore Rich Text Editors
Testing Front-End to Content Based Sites
A Few Useful References
FA Skills Now Live
2010 (5)
Rivet Advanced JavaScript Combiner v2 Released
New Juxtapo article on the Aqueduct site
Some worthwhile reading
sjs, making server-side JavaScript easy
Including jsLint in your validation using nAnt, batch files or ajax