Visual Graphing to See Relationships
27th May 2013

I have been working with Canvas 2D and WebGL recently and have been using Maths I never expected to see again once I left school. One thing that has been really useful when turning mathematical functions in to something visual is to see a graph representation of the values.
I have created a [simple graphing playground](/teststation/creative-
js/grapher/2d.html) to test out these functions and compare them to
each other. You can see below the difference between the sin
, cos
and tan
functions alongside the ImprovedNoise
generator built in
to Three.js.
{% include iframeWithLink.html src="" caption="Comparing sin, cos, tan and ImprovedNoise" %}
Go ahead and play with the code to the right. Hit Ctrl+Enter to update.
I have been reading about Perlin Noise and how it is used for generating random landscapes and clouds. It's coming in very handy with a very visual project I am working on at the moment. What's really important with this slightly predictable noise generation is that you can seed it with a number (or more) and it will always return the same result given the same input.