Dave Taylor, Software Engineer
Work with me
Posts for tag: thoughts
It takes time to fully understand the function software will need to perform
Meeting Matthias Endler and Opening Up My Calendar
Are Instrumental Lessons just a Luxury?
Instrumental Teachers are Instrumental
Why I Like Using TypeScript
Making Decisions
A Transition For This Website
Security and Convenience?
Seccl Design Patterns and Reusable Components
Visit to Arrow in Denver
Models Everywhere
Reactive Programming
Pure Components. Creating stable, testable UI we can rely on
Mentoring Co-located Teams
Unlock Your Inner Superhero
A thought on GigStamp Collectives, gigging groups
Trust. The unsung hero
Is It Anonymous
The Power Of A Virtual Dom
Bugs Happen
Small Changes Release Creativity
Always A Student
Five key principles for better web development - .net Magazine
Out of the Big Smoke
Visual Graphing to See Relationships
2012 at a Glance
Find Me a Passionate Team
Aqueduct, a place on the edge
Adam Ball Portfolio and Exploring Responsive Images
jQuery.lazyLoader, Semantic, organic responsive images?
2011 Showreel
A Few Git Resources
Getting a better reading experience in Google Reader with larger serif fonts
2011 at a glance
Html5 for Web Designers
Blue Beeeeeeanie Day
FA Just Play wins it's category in Sitecore site of the year
JavaScript headaches with responsive layouts
Simplify, Modularise, Simplify