Component Props and State Interfaces

13th Jun 2017

Component Props and State Interfaces

Here we go! One of the first things you often build with React are the components. Let's take a look at how TypeScript can enable us to create components which describe their usage.

This series:

Component Props and State Interfaces

Pure or Presentational Components

Starting with pure components, we can declare what a component's props and state should equal. By doing this we can also describe whether a prop is optional or not. TypeScript will help you when using these props to make sure you have catered for the undefined state.

Let's start with a person component. I've added comments through this file to explain what is happening.

// Person.tsx
import React from 'react';
// We define what our components props are
// in an interface. This means that whenever
// We use this component in another file TypeScript
// will verify that all the required props are given.
export interface IPersonProps {
// these first props are required
name: string;
age: number;
// the question mark here tells
// the compiler that the skills
// array is optional
skills?: string[];
// We can define a function to be
// called when an event happens
// within the component.
onSelectedSkill?: (skill: string) => any;
// We can also define what the component's state looks like.
// This will add type checking to code inside the component that
// uses `this.state`
export interface IPersonState {
highlightedSkill: string;
// Here we can define our component which extends from React.Component.
// The Props and state types are specified here.
export class Person extends React.Component<IPersonProps, IPersonState> {
render() {
return (
<h2>My name is {}</h2>
<h3>I am {this.props.age} years old</h3>
<h4>My Skills are:</h4>
getSkills() {
if (this.props.skills && this.props.skills.length) {
const skills = this.props.skills
.map((skill: string, i: number) => (<li key={i}>{skill}</li>));
return <ul>{skills}</ul>;

Covering all bases

I'd like to highlight an area where TypeScript will help you here that isn't immediately obvious.

Let's look at the getSkills logic. The first line does a check to see if we have any skills, and then also checks the length. We have specified that the skills prop is optional which means that it could be undefined. However it would be easy enough to forget this and miss out the check. The code would look like this,

if (this.props.skills.length) {
// ...

TypeScript will give the error:

Object is possibly 'undefined'. (property) IPersonProps.skills: string[] | undefined

Stateless functions

Another pattern we see for writing pure components is to define them as a stateless function. If we are to write our components in this way we would use the same props interface but write the component using the following arrow function syntax.

const Person = (props: IPersonProps) => (
<h2>My name is {}</h2>
<h3>I am {this.props.age} years old</h3>

So hopefully you are getting a sense of how these contracts can help you build more robust and scalable JavaScript. In this first installment we've looked at building pure components and how defining an interface for our props can give TypeScript the power to tell you when you've not catered for all the edge cases.

Next week I'll be looking a Connected (or Stateful) Components and how we can use interfaces to make sure we are mapping our app's state to what the component needs in its props. See you then.